Monday, November 26, 2007

槟岛 => 冰岛

This poem I copied from my friend's blog. I can understand her feeling so much because I am the one who leave Penang Island and her. When I leave Penang, I have some feeling too. we still can meet each other once in a month or year, but we can't meet each other every day. "yuan2 qi3 yuan2 mie4" it is really "wu2 change2", 3G, jia you!

槟岛 => 冰岛
朋友离开了 奔向未知的世界 寻梦去了
那我的梦呢 会在这里吗
一声再见 一声谢谢
心既有不舍 也会微笑 祝福
相约在 每年11月 第二个星期
2011年 将是我们相识的第十年


min said...

nice poem!! i like the last two sentences..

Ooi Seek Fuan said...

halo, crescenet, may i know who are you? can you please write your comments in english? i totally not understand what you write. thanks.

Anonymous said...




Ooi Seek Fuan said...

my hp 0164400873