Thursday, March 6, 2008

3 march 08

3 /3 /2008

今天,我校的可爱 老师又开始当月老了。不知为什么有个老师说到名花有主,于是我就说我就现炒现卖,也说:“我以名花有主。”


于是她们就自己帮我编故事,原来你一直拒绝我们的好一是因为你已有了男朋友!新年才开始吗? 我当然回答:“是呀!”


今天下午是我第一次教补习,很糟糕,很乱!他们很不爱读短文,我让他们读3次,他们的脸就乌云密布! 解释短文的时候,我一个一个字解释,但他们完全不听!我写生字的意思,他们又问我如何抄意思?我很想放弃!我不是已经叫你们读三遍了吗?为什么你们对那些字完全没有印象? 今天很难过!教书教得我很想放弃! 


Ng said...

No harm to make more friends as long as you don't think that they are making the opportunity for you. Lying is neither a good thing to be oh... Teacher cannot lie leh... =P If you felt offence because of their action, I think it is better to tell them that you don't want to get a partner at this stage but not to always find excuses to reject their invitation mar.. this is simply my personally opinion.. don't feel offence yea.. and I understand your feeling also lar..

Ooi Seek Fuan said...

noted. But I already lie to them so just keep lying!! ^_^

min said...

yah, way kam swee said are right. agree. Hmm, for the tuition part, i can understand that, bcz the hardest thing we have to face with is not other than human. human is very dynamic and hardly control..