Thursday, January 31, 2008


这个星期,我星期三就放假,因为马来人节日!星期三下午就到家了。星期四无所事事,在家做sudoko and watch television programs. 星期五及六帮忙我的父母亲做工,我家现在正在做装修,我帮我的父母用kereta sorong搬石头及小石子。它们都很重,我的邻居,A Guan Go竟然称赞我很有力,我整天的心情都好了起来!太开心了!果然一句赞赏会令所有的辛苦一扫而空!



现在回到班茶,我的心情又在开始战战兢兢了!我又开始担心我明天的教学!我有点怕一个小时的教学,总觉得我没有东西可以教,半小时就刚刚好!上个星期开始了我的kelas pemulihan. I started to teach Year 3 and Year2. I only have 3 pupils from year 2 and 6 pupils from year 3. But I fear to face Year 2 students because their altitude are not so good. Besides, their basic like recognize ABC make me worry. They have problem to differentiate H and S, after W is Z……and so on. While Year 3 students are better, no matter from the result or altitude. I found that I am little bit hate Year 2 and prefer Year 3. I know that I can’t have this kind of thinking, or I will kill the student’s future. XueFang, Jia you.. Jia you!!!

Tomorrow I will start to interview for Year 4 and Year 5 pupils. My total class for 1 week is 34 periods. Every period takes time 30 minutes. 28 periods are kelas pemulihan. Year 2 and Year 3 have 9 periods for each other; Year 4 and Year 5 have 5 periods for each other. Besides, I teach Pendidikan Seni, Bahasa Inggeris for Year 2 and Kajian Tempatan for Year 5. Actually, I am quite lucky because I don’t need to teach Year 1 and Year 6 students. They are much more difficult to handle and you need to be very skillful to handle them. A Mi Tuo Fo.

I also handle Persatuan Buddha.. ^_^!!! I hope that I can make it great! A Mi Tuo Fo….Kazza, fighting, fighting!! Have a great week! Xuefang, jiayou!! Sure you can!! I believe that you can!!

1 comment:

min said...

You also handle buddha class?It's great!!!