Tuesday, August 21, 2007


看了吴尊这一篇“媽,母親節快樂!”,令我很感动及反省也想我妈妈。我就是那位幸运儿,我的爸爸妈妈都很健康,也很疼我。送花给妈妈,我从来没想过因为我 妈妈曾经嫌我哥哥送的母亲节蛋糕太浪费钱了,她会要求我们自己省那笔钱后自己用。可是看了他写的,我觉得应该送,在我的妈妈可以收到的时候,不管反应是如 何。我只年他几年,我不要有他的遗憾。重点是我不是一个害羞的人啊!:)平时听到张栋梁的《爸爸妈妈〉,都会令我眼眶湿湿的。你知道吗?很多时候,我会 想,若有一天我回家,叫妈妈爸爸,却没有任何人回我我,我一定会哭,我一定会崩溃。所以我很珍惜,开心可以看见父母,我会很开心当我听到他们骂我或唠叨, 觉得这是全世界最好听得,悦耳。


I feel touch and miss my mother after reading Wuzun blog "Mom, happy mother's day!". I am the lucky star because my parents are healthy and love me so much. I never consider to buy flowers for my mom because my mother prefer we save the money for ourselves. I believe that all mother in this world will say so. Last time, my brother bought a cake for her but she just ask him don't to do this again. However, I think that I should give flower to my mom when she can have it no matter what is her response. I am younger than him only for few years and I don't want to regret after that. The most important thing is I am not a shy person. I like Zhang Dong Liang's song <> because of the lyrics. Do you know? I always think or imagine if one day, I back to my home and I call my parents and there has no any response. I sure I will cry and crumble. Thus I do cherish my father and mother so much. I will remind me that I am the most lucky person when they scold me or mumble me because they are beside me. :)

My mom and me besides one of Sanglang rice mill!

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